After lots of tweaking trying to replicate my favorite Mexican restaurant's recipe, I came up with this masterpiece! It's quite addictive - just warning!...
A way to bake brie without the bread or dough around it, with almonds and a delicious tangy sauce. Gluten-free option. Serve with tart apple slices and...
Cheesy, creamy dip loaded with artichokes and garlic! Serve with toasted french bread slices for a fantastic appetizer. To serve the dip hot, transfer...
Cheesy, creamy dip loaded with artichokes and garlic! Serve with toasted french bread slices for a fantastic appetizer. To serve the dip hot, transfer...
Andrew came home for the holidays on a very quick trip. While gathering around the kitchen snack bar munching he said, 'Hey, wanna try one of my recipes?'...
Take this delicious, 5-minute prep, jalapeno cheese dip to BBQs, cookouts, parties, or any other occasion. This dish will make you the most popular person...
Take this delicious, 5-minute prep, jalapeno cheese dip to BBQs, cookouts, parties, or any other occasion. This dish will make you the most popular person...
I created this light summery dip/spread to use up an overabundance of my garden's ripe tomatoes and gorgeous basil. Serve with cut-up vegetables, crackers...
This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law and always goes fast! Cream cheese at the base of the dip makes it extra thick and scoopable. Seasoned...
Looking for a great cheese dip for that football party. This is easy to make and tastes wonderful. I have found it more common in the South, but they have...
A way to bake brie without the bread or dough around it, with almonds and a delicious tangy sauce. Gluten-free option. Serve with tart apple slices and...
Mama did not always feel like cooking right away; here was a little snack to hold us over. Easy to do, with few ingredients already in your fridge and...
Looking for a great cheese dip for that football party. This is easy to make and tastes wonderful. I have found it more common in the South, but they have...
Looking for a great cheese dip for that football party. This is easy to make and tastes wonderful. I have found it more common in the South, but they have...
I made this a couple of weeks ago for a Halloween party and it was a pretty big hit! It's also pretty versatile as far as ingredients, as long as you put...
This clam dip appetizer contains the same basic ingredient list as traditional clams casino, and while it really tastes nothing like its hot namesake,...
This is an easy, colorful dip that is great for potlucks, football parties, Christmas parties, etc. It's always a hit wherever I take it! Serve with FritosĀ®...